Originally, the term pilgrim (Latin: Peregrinus) refers to ‘stranger', someone who does not belong in the territory through which he* travels. A pilgrim finds his way around adversities, challenges and obstacles. Typically, the main goal of a pilgrim is not as much to arrive, as to attain to a higher purpose. Whether his goal is physical, intellectual or spiritual, it is essentially personal.
Effectively, this is what PILGIM PRINCIPLE is all about. |
* Pilgrim is a neuter noun. Therefore 'she' may be read instead of 'he'.
* The quote depicted at the home page is an exerpt of The road not taken, a poem by Robert Frost (1874–1963).
* The quote depicted at the home page is an exerpt of The road not taken, a poem by Robert Frost (1874–1963).
Pilgrim Principle is founded by 'pilgrims' who where affected by the breathtaking beauty of Els Ports, one of the most uncompromising nature parks of Europe. We aim to share this experience with like-minded people. Not by organizing large scale travels, but by setting up tailor-made, multi-day hiking expeditions for groups of 2 to 8 people.
We offer customized expeditions in which we arrange all the preconditions so that experienced mountain travelers can make the trip by themselves (with or without us providing baggage transport to the hotels and lodges). But we also love to accompany a group of travellers ourselves, and to provide guidance and assistance throughout the expedition. (We speak Spanish, Dutch, English, and German.)
Furthermore we organize theme-oriented expeditions in which we combine the Pilgrim Principle with themes such as bird watching, survival techniques, photography, philosophy, mindfulness or meditation. For these trips we commision leading experts in the theme field to accompany us. Additionally, we dedicate expeditions to organizations that are challenged by subjects such as strategic planning, organizational development, or teambuilding.
We offer customized expeditions in which we arrange all the preconditions so that experienced mountain travelers can make the trip by themselves (with or without us providing baggage transport to the hotels and lodges). But we also love to accompany a group of travellers ourselves, and to provide guidance and assistance throughout the expedition. (We speak Spanish, Dutch, English, and German.)
Furthermore we organize theme-oriented expeditions in which we combine the Pilgrim Principle with themes such as bird watching, survival techniques, photography, philosophy, mindfulness or meditation. For these trips we commision leading experts in the theme field to accompany us. Additionally, we dedicate expeditions to organizations that are challenged by subjects such as strategic planning, organizational development, or teambuilding.
ExpeditionsExpeditions based on the Pilgrim Principle are multi-day hikes through the mountains of national park Els Ports in Spain (see 'Expedition' for more information on the route).
The 'classic expedition' is a hike that spans five days and nights, but can be be shortened or extended on request. Expeditions are organized to cater to the specific wishes of you and your group. Experienced mountain hikers We can assist experienced mountain hikers by organizing (airport) transfers, reception and expedition-briefing. We provide maps, routes and special equipment. Moreover we arrange accommodations, breakfasts and dinners, and provide transport for your luggage so you can completely enjoy your hike and the breathtaking beauty of Els Ports. Guided expeditions If you wish, we will guide your group through Els Ports and will help make your mountain experience an unforgettable one. A guided expedition combines support and security with the flexibility to go off-script when you feel like "let's go over here!" Guided trek or not, we provide the backup that is necessary for any expedition. We're there to help you out when something unfortunately doesn't turn out as planned. (e.g. if you -or one of your companions- decides to take a raincheck for a day, we provide transport to the next rendez-vous point.) |
Theme-oriented expeditionsExpeditions based on Pilgrim Principle are tailormade multi-day hikes that centre on a specific theme. We offer two types of theme-oriented expeditions.
Theme-oriented expedition for groups. These expeditions are organized for groups and are tailor-made according to the purpose, needs and possibilities of the specific group. The travel guide(s) that accompany the group are selected and specifically commissioned for this purpose. Individual theme-oriented expeditions. These expeditions are organized around specific themes or special guests. Currently we are preparing a theme-oriented expedition which will be hosted by a distinguished international guest. Drop us an email or check back later for more information. |